I made a SOCK for my SHOE...
Well, I have to say I am really enjoying the "Knitty Gritty Boots" ... Thanks, Tina, for the FABULOUS idea (if you haven't heard my interview with Tina - check out my podcast!). I think this was much easier to crochet than knit (and I have to say I like the edge around the bottom - nothing "raw" there)...
Miss H. (the one who gets them) picked this nice blue color. I thought we were going pink so I was surprised!! It took me three tries to get the look I wanted since I decided to crochet, rather than knit them. I will be making them knee high, but I need Miss H. here to measure. She is has very skinny legs.
Anyhow, this is my progress so far.
What I did (different from original pattern):
- Used a piece of wood (the height I wanted) marked off in 1/2 in. increments to measure and mark.
- Marked using Alison's method of poking with a thumb tack rather than a marker.
- (Drilled as per instructions)
- Used a small crochet hook to pull yarn through and then crocheted a chain with a size J hook as I went around - giving me a nice base of chain stitch.
- Used single crochet to go around and around. When I needed to decrease, I used a single crochet decrease on either side of the middle stitch (sometimes two decreases on each side depending on how much I needed to "narrow" the boot).
- I also did one row of single crochet on the other side of the first chain - giving a border at the bottom that is quite a nice finish I think.
- At the top I did the back and forth thing (like instructions) with single crochet and then crocheted around to complete circle - this brings the sides up even (front and back).
- I went into the back loops and brought up the yarn keeping the loops on the hook until I had 1/3 of the stitches of the circumference. I slid these onto a DPN and did the same for the rest of the stitches until I had three dpn's with stitches.
- I did garter stitch for a few rows.
- I went into a ribbing (2x2 with 3 purl in the front middle)
That's where I am now. I plan to do the ribbing almost to the knee and then do more garter stitch for a band around the top. That may change when I get there. :O)
YES, I should be working on my Olympic project. I'll cast on this evening.
I have bronchitis.
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