Contact Me!

3 Response to "Contact Me!"

  1. Recksieks says:

    Sorry to bother you but I am trying to download the talk by President Uchdorf (so cute by the way) for our YW in Excellence for this Wed. and when I click on the link to download it takes me to a page entitled "" and I am just not finding where I down load the video. Sorry, I am not very good with computers but would love to share this on Wed. can you help?

    Anonymous says:

    Whit, I just barely found all your Mormon mom- casts. I am sad that I seem to have found them after you guys had finished found them. However, I just wanted to say thank you for the shows you did. They are helping me cope with a difficult time in my life. I really appreciate it. So, thank you. (also Katie really does tell a good story. I hope she still writes.) :)

    Hi Whit,

    I am going to be another in what is probably a long list of women who tell you how much I miss the Mormon Momcast. I discovered you ladies around the time I found I out that I was pregnant last Summer. I lost that pregnancy and there were many late nights when listening to you guys and cleaning my house were what got me through. There was so much comfort to be found. I am happy to report that I am now the proud mother of a beautiful little girl and have just moved all of your podcasts onto my Ipod and I am listening to them again. I so long for new episodes and I'm terribly curious about why you guys stopped although I certainly want to respect your privacy. I hope all is well with you, Amy and Julie. I thank you all for the time and effort you put into those podcasts. They have meant more to me than I could describe. Love, Heather K.

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